Free Online Workshop for Coaches, Authors, and Entrepreneurs in the Personal Development Space
Train Your Brain in 3 Minutes a Day!
Discover How to Use a FREE Tool to Accelerate your Wealth …

Dana Wilde – Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, built her business from ZERO to one million dollars a year in just 19 months and she’s learned how to train others to do the same.
There WILL be a REPLAY, but you must register to receive the link!
In this online event, Dana Wilde and Kim Serafini will show you a cool FREE tool that you can use for 3 minutes a day to Train Your Brain for ABUNDANCE! This tool even works with mantras you don’t “believe.” This event will tell you how the tool works, how to use it, and how to get it for free!
This workshop is for you if . . .
- You feel like you have a MENTAL BLOCK to success;
- You keep making the SAME amount of money year after year;
- You don’t have time to implement a COMPLICATED solution;
- You feel like you’re LYING to yourself with affirmations;
- Or you would just like a FINANCIAL breakthrough!
If any of these sound like you, then this session is for you!
Important Note from Dana Wilde: “No matter how big your business challenge seems, I can help you. I’ve helped thousands of people turn around the most engrained mindsets in minutes on live webinars and I can help you too.”
In this online workshop, you will discover . . .
- Why most people are NOT successful with affirmations;
- HOW to create new neural networks in your brain related to ABUNDANCE;
- Which visuals to have around you to open your mind to more wealth;
- The ONE thing you must do if you want to Train Your Brain in three minutes a day;
- How you can SUPERCHARGE your mantras so they work faster;
- … and much more!
This Event is FREE, but there is only room for 200!

© 2020 | Dana Wilde Inc®