Transformative Program from Dana Wilde Reveals HOW to Become the “Celebrity” in your Niche!
The Celebrity Formula is Open for a LIMITED Time.

Dana Wilde
From The Desk of Dana Wilde
Menomonie, Wisconsin
Dear Friend,
If you’d like to stand out in your market as the “go-to” celebrity regardless of your background or experience, then this is the most important letter you’ll read today.
I’ll show you how in a minute.
But First … The Problem …
At this point, we’ve had almost 2,000 people request one of the very few spots available in The Celebrity Formula. If you’ve discovered this letter, then it’s probable that you are one of those people.
To weed out the people who are serious about participating from those who are mildly interested, I’m going to give as many details as I can about the program in this letter and let you decide.
As you probably know, as the bestselling author of Train Your Brain, I am a mindset expert. I’ve often attributed the fast growth of my company, The Mind Aware, to having a positive mindset.
After all, we achieved over one MILLION dollars in sales and attracted over 60,000 to our email list in less than two years. But I have a had a realization recently . . .
. . . “Mindset” was the first step to fast growth.
But the other contributing factor was I had “stepped into my celebrity” (without even realizing it).
That’s not to say Train Your Brain isn’t a fantastic program.
It is. (And you likely already know that.)
But let’s get real. There are a LOT of experts who teach mindset.
In fact, I was one person in a SEA of experts teaching the same thing.
So it couldn’t be JUST the INFORMATION that was bringing people into the Train Your Brain sandbox.
It had to be more, and so I started investigating our success. I started dissecting it. And I discovered our success was the result of this thing I started calling “stepping into your celebrity.”

Likely, You Are In The Same Situation.
Regardless of your expertise, it’s likely that you have a service or a process or a program or a product that other people offer too.
In fact, sometimes it’s the EXACT same product or service!
And so the question becomes, “How do you stand out?”
One way to do it is with gimmicks or flashiness or tricks, but those tactics can backfire and then you are seen as not credible in your marketplace.
No. The best way to stand out. The best way to grow a business QUICKLY and EASILY is to become the “go-to” expert in your niche — to become the “celebrity.”
And to do it AUTHENTICALLY and get paid to be YOU!
But HOW do you do that, rigtht?

Shortly after growing my email list to 60,000 and becoming the trusted authority in my niche, it occurred to me …
. . . I had a pretty cushy lifestyle not so much because of WHAT I was teaching, but because of WHO I was in the marketplace.
When you are KNOWN in your niche, then you:
Get referrals easily. People know you and they recommend you.
Get leads easily. People have heard of you and want to check you out.
Make sales easily. You are credible and trusted, and people want to buy what you have to offer.
Make money for just showing up and being you. When you are known in your niche, people want you to be at their events. They want you to sponsor their products. They want to hang out with you.
ONLY do the tasks that you like to do. It’s easy to find capable people for your team who want to be a part of your mission and you can easily afford them.
Get to hang out with cool people who are part of your tribe and partners who want to do business with you. In fact, you ONLY hang out with people you like AND you attract the best people.
Get offers to be interviewed from the media, on podcasts, and even offers to be in movies!
Create a legacy. Your work lives on.
… and much, much more.
The benefits of being the “celebrity” in your niche are endless!

And ANYONE can learn how to use The Celebrity Formula . . .
“. . . Well, okay, not anyone. You have to meet these THREE criteria . . .
You have to be likable. You don’t have to be “nice” or “sweet”, but SOME people have to find you likable. Look at Howard Stern. Not everyone likes him, but some people do.
You have to offer value. In other words, your products, programs, or services MUST WORK.
You have to want to. You can’t “step into your celebrity” without desire, and if you have the desire, I can show you, step-by-step, HOW to do it.
That’s it.
It doesn’t matter what “blocks” you THINK you have standing in your way. You don’t.
You can step into your celebrity even if you are:
A procrastinator;
Physically different from others;
Not funny;
Not “attractive”;
Or any other number of supposedly “negative” traits. (In fact, you’ll soon learn that your “negative” traits are what make you … YOU!)

Even if you lack confidence or don’t know HOW to do it, don’t worry.
. . . That is the CORE of The Celebrity Formula! Believe it or not, CONFIDENCE can be TAUGHT!
As the creator of Train Your Brain, I know this firsthand because I’ve taught tens of thousands of people how to overcome self-doubt and step into the spotlight.
How do I KNOW that this information can be taught?
Because I learned it myself.
Not so many years ago, I was being groomed to be a featured radio show host on the Expert Radio Network.
You might even remember that radio show because it aired in ten major markets across the Continental U.S. and Hawaii.
At the time, I shelled out $38,000 to be a part of a training program offered by The Expert Radio Network. It was designed to teach me how to be a “celebrity” talk show host.
Jimmy Kimmel, Paula Abdul, Ryan Seacrest, and Carson Daly had all been trained by the same “grooming” company that trained me.
It was a HIGH-LEVEL program, and I learned a lot . . .
. . . but the most valuable part of the program was that I had an expert walking me through the steps and holding my hand every step of the way.
I want to replicate that experience for you.

In The Celebrity Formula, I want to “hold your hand” and walk you through the process of stepping into the spotlight . . .
Here is how it works . . .
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR: As mentioned earlier, anyone can “step into their celebrity”, but this course is specifically geared for an entrepreneur who is the face of her/his business.
PROGRAM DATES: The next session at the end of March 2025. Super Early Bird Enrollment starts at the end of January.
We will have a live session every two to three weeks (on Tuesdays) during regular business hours. It is not necessary to attend live to get the full benefit of this course. We have had many successful graduates who have only done the course via replay.
WHY FOUR MONTHS? The Celebrity Formula is largely energy work (“play”) and involves a mindset shift. The single most important element to the course is IMMERSION into this new way of “being.” Four months of meeting at regular intervals helps to “keep your head in the game”, but still gives you enough time to fully embody your new “celebrity” status.
TIME COMMITMENT: Plan for 60-90 minutes per live session. Outside of the live sessions, there is one exercise that is “mandatory” that will take roughly 30 minutes to complete. All other videos, exercises, and energy work are optional. One important thing to note here is that most of the mindset work we do in this course can be done as you go about your week. In other words, it doesn’t take “extra time” out of your week.
COURSE CONTENT: In addition to the live sessions, supplemental video, energy, and mindset exercises, each week we will focus on these primary objectives:
✅ CELEBRITY CHARACTER: You will fully understand “who you are” in your marketplace. You will discover what makes you unique AND you will learn HOW to use your celebrity character to your advantage. You will create a unique, authentic celebrity identity that will define you as the EXPERT in your market. By the end of the course, you will FEEL indisputably qualified to deliver results to your clients.
✅ CELEBRITY MARKETING VEHICLE: You will uncover HOW to get the word out about your business in a way that FEELS GOOD. You will discover HOW to monetize your celebrity … and you will BEGIN monetizing before the course is over. Together we will craft a clear marketing plan that you can execute EASILY.
✅ CELEBRITY MINDSET: This is the CORE of the program. I will reveal step-by-step instructions on HOW to FEEL like the celebrity. Over the four months, we will practice together until it becomes second nature. You will embody the celebrity mindset and feel confident as an expert. You will know that you belong in the position of celebrity in your niche.
(multi-payment options are available during checkout.)
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: I’m an introvert. Is this course for me?
Yes. All personality types can use The Celebrity Formula.
QUESTION: What if I don’t do the homework?
All exercises, videos, energy or mindset shifting methods I share during our live sessions are not mandatory. During the course I am at your disposal to look over anything you create or to answer any questions you have about limiting beliefs or mindset work, but there is no “required” homework. If you just show up to the sessions (live or via replay), you will get HUGE benefits from the course.
QUESTION: I’m a _________. (Fill in the blank with energy worker, direct seller, real estate agent, or any other specialty.) Will this benefit me?
Yes. If YOU are the “face” of your business, then The Celebrity Formula is for you.
QUESTION: I don't market online. Will this work for me?
Yes. We have successful graduates who ONLY market offline and we discuss BOTH types of marketing in the course.
QUESTION: I can’t make the calls live. Will I still benefit?
Yes. All calls are available on replay, and you will be able to send in your questions ahead of time.
QUESTION: Will you be offering this course again?
Generally speaking, I hold this course once every year.
QUESTION: You say I will have your help “personally.” What does that mean?
During every single session, I am there to evaluate your progress, answer questions, and make suggestions. I will look at your progress as an INDIVIDUAL during our group calls. I will give you feedback on where I think you can tweak and improve.
QUESTION: Can I really do this? Can I become the “celebrity” in my market?
YES! This is a LEARNABLE skill just like anything else. At the core is MINDSET and as you know, my specialty is helping people shift their mindsets!
I have already had twelve groups graduate from this program with INCREDIBLE success! Believe me when I say I’m as excited as you to have you in this program!
The Celebrity Formula process is a very personal, intimate experience.
I will be personally reviewing every decision you make with regard to your celebrity and your marketing.
I will HELP you tweak your public persona and marketing plans, and by the end of the course, you will feel like you can take on the world!
Between you and I, I can’t remember when I’ve been this excited about a program!
If you’re ready to get started and step into your celebrity, then click the button below. I’ll see you soon!