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JOE VITALE – “Create Miracles in Your Life”
What does it feel like to attain mega-celebrity status in the personal development niche? What kind of thinking and actions proceed that type of celebrity attainment? If you’d like to understand the journey of one man who went from being homeless to later becoming one of the top 50 motivational speakers in the world and multiple, international bestselling author, then you will want to hear from one of the stars of the movie The Secret, Dr. Joe Vitale. In this interview, Joe reveals exercises, practices, and ways of thinking that can help catapult you to stardom. You will discover:
- The SPECIFIC shift in consciousness you need to have in order to ACHIEVE your dreams (and HOW to do it):
- What is the ONE step you can take to ACCELERATE your growth;
- How you can START over no matter your age and do it SAFELY and successfully;
- The best way to pick the right coach for the NEXT LEVEL in your growth;
- Why each level of SUCCESS requires a specific kind of THINKING and how to make those thinking shifts FASTER;
- The specific MENTAL SHIFT that leads to Joe receiving the OPPORTUNITY to be in the mega-hit, The Secret;
- … and much, much MORE!
Dr. Joe Vitale is a globally famous author, musician, marketing expert, movie, tv, and radio personality, and one of the top 50 motivational speakers in the world. His many bestselling books include “The Attractor Factor,” “Attract Money Now,” “Zero Limits.” and “The Awakened Millionaire.” He is an expert on the law of attraction and has also been featured in several movies, including the blockbuster hit, “The Secret.” His most recent accomplishments include being the world’s first self-help singer-songwriter as seen in Rolling Stone Magazine®. To date, Joe has released 17 albums. Dr. Joe Vitale is an authentic practitioner of modern Ho’oponopono, a certified Reiki healer, certified Chi Kung practitioner, certified clinical hypnotherapist, certified NLP practitioner, ordained minister, and holds a doctorate in metaphysical science. He created the Miracles Coaching® program to help people achieve their dreams. This man, once homeless is today a bestselling author who believes in magic and miracles and has spent the last four decades learning how to master the powers that allow us to channel the pure creative energy of life without resistance.