Have you been offering free webinars, but it seems like you never make any sales on them? Or would you like to start doing free online workshops, but not sure how to format your content so it also converts to sales? If so, then this is the training for you.
Dana Wilde’s webinar outline is famous among other trainers. She has been asked for her webinar outline by some of the top names in the business, health, and spirituality niches. Why? Because it’s an outline that helps you deliver VALUE and ALSO sell (without feeling “salesy.”)
In this video training, Dana gives you her outline, step-by-step, showing you how it plays out in her own webinars, and also how you can use it in your particular niche.
Winning Webinar Outline – Video 01
In this video, Dana explains each section of the outline.
Download the Winning Webinar Outline Checklist HERE
Winning Webinar Outline – Video 02
In this video, Dana shows how the outline works on a “real” webinar.